Lynnewood Hall/Peter A.B. Widener

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Re: Lynnewood Hall/Peter A.B. Widener

by Al » August 13, 2014, 8:18 am

Duluth has several. Alexander McDougall's house is a private residence. His first home is an apartment building. Joe Sellwood's house, if I recall correctly, is a private home. William Olcott's (railroad president but had a boat named for him) house is a bed-and-breakfast inn.

Lynnewood Hall/Peter A.B. Widener

by Brian Ferguson » August 12, 2014, 8:12 am

Like a lot of you I'm fascinated by history and abandon sites. I was reading an article on Lynnewood Hall ... -trumbauer an abandon mansion near Philadelphia. In the article it mentions the mansion was built for Peter A. B. Widener. USS had a ship named for him (Near sister to the Morrell and Townsend). It was famous for losing it's rudder in a storm off Rock of Ages in 1926 and having to "surf" it's way to Duluth.

I know about some of the vacation homes and mansions in Michigan that Ford, and Cleveland Cliffs had like Grand Island. Does anyone know of any other mansions or vacation homes that were shipping related?
