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Re: Soo Locks Boat Tours Books

Posted: June 25, 2016, 9:04 am
by Denny
An update and correction to my previous post regarding the book Locks and Ships from 2010. If anyone has a copy of that issue, the ship on the front cover of it is the American Mariner departing the Poe Lock downbound and Not the John J. Boland as I had earlier mentioned and I apologize for the error and any confusion that any may have on that. I looked at the book and it clearly states on the inside that it was made it in 2010! So, once again I ask if anyone collects and saves these books as I do and also if there has been any new books published since 2010? I have not been up to the Soo since 2010 and don't get up there as often as I would like to so if anyone can help me on this I would appreciate it. Also and Yes I am well aware of the Soo Locks Boat Tours website however, it has changed not for the better sorry to say as they once had on it a "Ships Store section that showed and listed the books and other items to purchase and order." This is no longer listed on the site and now nobody like myself knows what items they have anymore!

Re: Soo Locks Boat Tours Books

Posted: June 24, 2016, 10:32 pm
by Denny
Just checking up on this post again. Does anyone purchase and collect these books and if so, again I would appreciate any type of information if there have been any new books published since back in 2010? The Locks and Ships Book I think without looking at my copy of it, had a photo of the John J. Boland exiting the Poe Lock downbound. There was also one of the just the Arthur M. Anderson but I am not sure what year that was done? I am fairly certain the one in 2010 had the Boland on the cover of it. If anyone has these books, it should say somewhere on the inside cover what year they were published. Again, I am looking for anything new since 2010 that may have been published either Locks and Ships or else the Soo Locks Guide Book. Any information is appreciated. Thanks!

Soo Locks Boat Tours Books

Posted: June 24, 2016, 9:31 am
by Denny
Can someone please tell me if the Soo Locks Boat Tours have made up or done any new books lately? The last time I was up at the Soo in 2010, they had made all new books at that time at least with both the Locks and Ships Book done in 2010 along with the Soo Locks Guide Book the smaller book also done the same year as well. Whenever I am at the Soo, I try to make it a point to buy and purchase these books whenever they make new ones. It seems that I can recall someone saying "That they usually make new ones up every 3-4 years and if they are staying on that plan, then there should have been new ones done in the past few years or so since I last visited the area in 2010!" When I go online to the website for the Soo Locks boat tours, it does not really say, list or give any details on any new books. Also, they used to have a Ship Store type of thing where you could order hats, coffee cups and other related souvenir items from the Soo Locks Boat Tours. Now they have since removed that from their website and it shows not too many things if any for ordering. If anyone knows about the books I would greatly appreciate hearing from you. Thanks in advance.