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Re: Manistee Question

Posted: March 30, 2021, 2:29 pm
by Guest
jim1 wrote:with coal now or soon to be a cargo of past probaby only stone might still be going to manistee mckeil marine use to haul brine out of there but that to is a thing of the past was or is a bar nearby called the salty dog
Actually, I think coal will be around for a while there. The Filer City plant has stack scrubbers and they provide steam to PCA as someone else mentioned. As a side note, the Manitowoc is currently en route to unload coal there.

Re: Manistee Question

Posted: March 30, 2021, 1:13 pm
by garbear
jim1 wrote:with coal now or soon to be a cargo of past probaby only stone might still be going to manistee mckeil marine use to haul brine out of there but that to is a thing of the past was or is a bar nearby called the salty dog
Can't remember where I saw it, but thought I'd read Tondu was going to continue burning coal.

Re: Manistee Question

Posted: March 30, 2021, 9:02 am
by jim1
with coal now or soon to be a cargo of past probaby only stone might still be going to manistee mckeil marine use to haul brine out of there but that to is a thing of the past was or is a bar nearby called the salty dog

Re: Manistee Question

Posted: March 29, 2021, 9:08 pm
by Mr Link
This 1977 aerial photo shows noting but pulpwood storage where the current Tondu power plant is, so it was apparently a completely new plant. I circled what I believe to be the previous power plant, which appears to still be there in recent photos. It does look like they used the same coal dock, and trucked any coal used to the pre-1990 power plant.

Re: Manistee Question

Posted: March 29, 2021, 8:40 pm
by Mr Link
Yes, per their website, the Tondu Filer City plant provides steam to PCA and electricity to Consumers Energy. However, the Tondu's plant came on line in 1990. Prior to that PCA and its predecessors had their own power plants, including one that was built about 1948 when the current PCA mill was first built. So prior to 1990, any coal shipments would have been directly to PCA or its predecessors.

What I haven't been able to determine from on-line sources is if Tondu's 1990 plant was entirely new, or if it reworked portions of PCA's former power plant.

The current plant is permitted to burn coal, biomass (wood waste), pet coke and tire derived fuel. I think the first two are the most prevalent.

Re: Manistee Question

Posted: March 29, 2021, 4:32 pm
by garbear
miboatnerd wrote:I was curious if any of the coal delivered to the Filer City power plant is used at the nearby PCA plant. I came across a photo recently of one of the old Ford boats in Manistee and it said they had coal for PCA. It was taken in the mid 80s.
I believe Tondu provides steam to PCA.

Manistee Question

Posted: March 29, 2021, 1:19 pm
by miboatnerd
I was curious if any of the coal delivered to the Filer City power plant is used at the nearby PCA plant. I came across a photo recently of one of the old Ford boats in Manistee and it said they had coal for PCA. It was taken in the mid 80s.