Lower $ For Sale -Video The Shipwreck of the Ed. Fitzgerald

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Lower $ For Sale -Video The Shipwreck of the Ed. Fitzgerald

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Todd Davidson
Eaton Rapids, MI
[email protected]
$15 (incl. s/h in U.S.)

Original vhs video called "The Shipwreck of the of S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald - The Final Chapter?".
This is one of my favorite Fitzgerald documentaries, as it includes Dr. Paul Hainault from Michigan Tech - you have to listen to him talk and describe his theory on why/how the Fitz sank (you know what...he's probably right!). Includes footage on the bell recovery and memorial replacement bell. Good video!

Keweenaw Video Productions
Payment accepted via Paypal too!
The Shipwreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - with Dr. Paul Hainault.JPG