Gordon Lightfoot

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Re: Gordon Lightfoot

Unread post by Denny »

Just wondering if any boatnerds have any good recollections and memories as far as seeing or listening to Gordon Lightfoot and his many famous songs and hit titles including his famous The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald? How I first found out about Gordon and his famous song are a story in itself. I was very young about 9 or 10 maybe and was on a Soo Locks cruise then. We had just gotten back into Port at the boat tour Dock. While on the cruise, they played The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald song. It was my first time then hearing the song played. I became so captivated by the song and moved by it that I asked about it at the Soo Boat Tour Docks. It was then they told me about the song, Gordon Lightfoot that wrote it and the legend of the Edmund Fitzgerald and its sinking. I also met the mayor of the Soo at that time. He asked me to come follow him into his office as he had a special surprise for me! The mayor then gave me an art like drawing of the Edmund Fitzgerald and he also gave me the key to the city of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan then. It is a memory and a moment I will forever remember and cherish and will never ever forget! It from that time to the present, as to how I became fascinated with the Edmund Fitzgerald and with Gordon Lightfoot and his song. I’m one of the few that still has the original 45 R.P.M. record of the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. I’ll never ever get rid of that record and someday hopefully a long someday when I’m gone, that record is going with me then! Hope you all enjoyed and liked that story and my memories that I shared with you all.

Gordon Lightfoot

Unread post by Denny »

Hard to believe fellow boatnerds and friends that today marks one year ago already that we lost a true dear, devoted and dedicated friend! Gordon Lightfoot passed away exactly one year ago today believe it or not. He will be forever famous for his popular hit song he wrote in 1976 “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald!” His famous ballad and song hit the top of the Billboard Music Charts at #2 in the Summer of 1976 almost a year after the tragic sinking of the Fitzgerald. Lightfoot though was a well known singer and had many hits and titles long before his famous song and ballad forever immortalizing the legacy and legend of the Edmund Fitzgerald and her lost crew of 29 men. Gordon would often be seen and found at the Memorials at Whitefish Point and at Mariner’s Church in Detroit when the time came of the day the Fitzgerald was lost on November 10. His legend and popular hit song and ballad The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald still lives on today and his music is still heard and played today in many places. Gordon Lightfoot forever immortalized the legend of the Edmund Fitzgerald and her 29 brave crew and their souls all of which were lost when the ship sank and none have been recovered. Now today, Gordon Lightfoot’s legacy and legend and that of the Edmund Fitzgerald and her crew of 29 men will live on! Rest in Peace dear friend Gordon Lightfoot and thank you. Your legend does live on indeed.
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