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Re: Goderich

Unread post by Denny »

Quite possibly Old Sailor as with this cold Arctic Chill, Ice is starting to form fast in the ports and harbors! It could too be related with windy conditions as we’ve had some good strong winds in my area the last few days as well. It is only going to get colder than this in the next week or so and the ice will probably really start to form then in the ports, harbors, lakes and rivers. Good thing the Soo is starting to wind down for the winter, trying to navigate the river up there won’t be much fun I’m sure with any ice and the cold weather. The ice breakers will be busy up there and probably on the St. Clair River and all over the Great Lakes here very shortly. This could make then for a very interesting Spring Fit Out 2025! We’ll have to wait and see IF there’s any ice and if it causes any problems or delays then. Be Well, Stay Safe and Warm Old Sailor!
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Joined: March 13, 2010, 4:34 pm

Re: Goderich

Unread post by ashland69 »

It looks like one of those boats is the Algoma Intrepid. She is apparently doing the winter Goderich salt run. The other may be the Henry R. Jackman. I suspect she's got a load of storage grain on board and may be laying up in Goderich. There's a third - the Algoma Bear - apparently downbound right now (3pm Tuesday) toward Sarnia. Don't know if she's waiting to get into Goderich to load or if she's already got a load of salt on board and heading for its delivery port. Her AIS currently says Goderich. Hope this helps.
Old Sailor


Unread post by Old Sailor »

Anyone know what is going on at Goderich today as there are two ships hanging around out in the lake and one on its way across the lake heading for Goderich. Would they be waiting for a breaker.
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