Ice Breaking pictures

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Ice Breaking pictures

Unread post by Bob »

I captured these from the webcam yesterday.
Breaking through to the other side.
Breaking through to the other side.
Almost no movement forward
Almost no movement forward
Hitting the big sheet
Hitting the big sheet
Up bound after turning
Up bound after turning
Bristol Bay decides to turn and break up the large sheets of ice coming down river.
Bristol Bay decides to turn and break up the large sheets of ice coming down river.
Manitou down bound
Manitou down bound
Tug Manitou and Cutter Bristol Bay
Tug Manitou and Cutter Bristol Bay
Returning to the barge in Sarnia. They are heading upbound but waiting on ice conditions.
Returning to the barge in Sarnia. They are heading upbound but waiting on ice conditions.
Salvor downbound after working with Beeghly
Salvor downbound after working with Beeghly