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Re: Ryerson

Posted: March 26, 2021, 6:56 am
by wlbblw
Regarding how long she's actually been in use, the longer you go in time, the harder & more expensive it is to return her to service. Even if she had been put away & hermetically sealed the day after she was built, she's still OLD. Her internal mechanical, air, electrical, & steam systems she was built with are no longer made & extremely difficult to find parts for & the people certified to work on them are becoming less common every day as the older guys retire in larger numbers.
Any serious look at returning an old boat like that to service would HAVE to involve the possibility of re-powering, barging, &/or conversion to a self-unloader.

Re: Ryerson

Posted: March 26, 2021, 5:59 am
by StClairBN
CSL and Algoma flat deckers have carried iron ore from the upper lakes out the St. Lawrence and from Sept Iles back to Hamilton. With the Ryerson being seaway sized, I could see her coming back to do that long haul.

Regards, John

Re: Ryerson

Posted: March 25, 2021, 11:17 pm
by Andrew
I would say the chances of seeing her sail again are decently high. While she does have some limitations from her hold configuration and that she needs to be unloaded shore side, her hull is in great shape, she can move a lot of ore, and really, she's only been active about half her life. So her equipment and hull are still in pretty great shape all things considered. There will come a day when it will be prudent to use her again, it just might be a long time down the road.

Re: Ryerson

Posted: March 25, 2021, 7:25 pm
by Denny
If I am understanding it correctly from all of the past articles on here and talk of her possibly and again I say maybe at some point if demand warrants her return, it wouldn't be easy to convert her to a self-unloader has her cargo holds I thought I read would have to be redone or something because they're sloped if I am right on this? Sorry if I am incorrect and NOT trying to offend anyone here that likes the Ryerson and don't get me wrong I love her as well and would definitely love to see her back! I miss that awesome horn and steam whistle salute of hers badly. However, the sad fact is that the Economy would really have to get booming along with the demand for steel and I just don't see that happening anytime soon. Also the fact that she is not a self-unloader makes her return that much more difficult since she would have to be unloaded by shoreside equipment. Not that they can't unload her without a boom but she's sat in lay-up since 2008 or 2009 and I just don't see it happening sorry and sad to say anytime soon. We can hope!

Re: Ryerson

Posted: March 25, 2021, 5:02 pm
by Shipwatcher1
Another reason I asked is because someone on FB who I believe works at Fraser posted a photo from inside the Ryerson engine room today. But I agree however, that the chances are extremely remote.

Re: Ryerson

Posted: March 25, 2021, 12:47 pm
by Stephen R
until the day you see the Ryerson actually being put on the blocks. assume all discussions to be a rumor.

Re: Ryerson

Posted: March 25, 2021, 10:28 am
by Guest
I see this as the usual rumor mill. Yes, the steel industry has seen a increased demand, but is it enough of a demand that would justify the money it would take to bring the Ryerson back to code? Yeah, Yeah I know the Blough blaze might give the Ryerson rumors more attention, but I just don't see it happening. Just my take.


Posted: March 25, 2021, 8:53 am
by Shipwatcher1
I approach this topic with caution as many people see the topic as beating a dead horse, but today's news page has a blurb about increased optimism about the Ryerson's future after the Cliffs deal earlier this year. Are these just the usual rumors, or is there something more substantial to this now?